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With this year Féile na gCloch (Festival of Stone) going online again, The Dry Stone Wall Association of Ireland has got together with the festival to run another miniature dry stone walling competition.  

We encourage everyone, young and old to get involved. We have some great prizes to give away over the weekend. Below is some information on how to build a miniature wall in your own home and how to get involved in the festival.

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2021 Miniature Walls

Your Walls

To enter your wall in the miniature wall competition post your photos or videos online using the hashtags #FeilenagCloch #miniaturewalls #drystonewall or email your creations to and we will post all your creations here and on social media. Closing date for entries is Sunday the 10th of October 2021.

Winners to be announced soon! 

Here are all this years entries.

Thank you everyone who took part.  

A look back at last year's competition. Thank you everyone who took part.  

2020 Miniature Walls



Over the weekend we will be giving away a number of prizes.

Prize category will include:

  • Best built wall

  • Most unique wall

  • Most miniature wall

  • Best mini arch

  • Best use of non stone materials

  • Best video of wall construction

  • Best Photo

  • Best scaled wall

  • Best Strength Test

How to build miniature dry stone walls and arches 

How to build walls

Quick Tips:

  • Materials (gravel, pebbles or small stones, broken up paving stones or tiles, fruit?, LEGO) 

  • Larger stones at the ends will make it easier to build your wall between them.

  • Make a batter frame and use a line. 

  • Lay out your stones and fill in the spaces between them with little (hearting stones).

  • Bigger stone on the bottom with smaller stones on top

  • Use larger stones for the last row to cap the wall and protect the smaller stones below.

  • When taking photos, include something in the photo for scale like a coin or a phone etc. 

Making Batter Frames using Lollipop Sticks

For a strong wall, make the wall wider at the bottom.

Batter frames and string line.

Foundation stones laid and spaces in the wall filled with small (harting stones)

Moving the string for next row of stones.

Filling in the centre with more small stones.

Finished Wall

Other Examples of Mini Walls (Random Single Wall)

Random Single Wall from side

Random Single Wall from top

Other Examples of Mini Walls (Double wall with vertical cope)

Other Examples of Mini Walls (Inis Oirr, Feidin Wall)