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Terms of Service

DSWAI Code of Conduct :


Behaving with Integrity.

1)The Dry Stone Walling Association of Ireland aims to promote the highest standards of professional practice, responsibility and ethics within the craft of dry stone walling and to support excellence in all aspects of the discipline.

2) Each member and guests are expected at all times to uphold the dignity and reputation of the craft and the Association; meaning, amongst other things, behaving with professional and respectful conduct at all times and in all dealings.

3) Aggressive behaviour of any kind, including verbal abuse, is strictly not tolerated. It is expected that all criticism without exception be delivered in a constructive and non personalised manner. Cooperation is a requirement of each member of any working group within the association.

4) Members or guests who violate this code may being asked to leave and risk being barred from membership or participation in future DSWAI events.


Code of Ethics:

1) Each member shall treat all professional relationships with honesty and respect, recognise the rights and opportunities of all individuals in the profession and respect the profession as a whole.

2) Each Member has the responsibility to endeavour to contribute to the growth and progression of themselves and the profession to the highest standards by continuing to develop knowledge and skills by sharing this information and experience, and by providing or promoting educational opportunities.

3) Dishonesty: each member may be liable to disciplinary proceedings if he/she is convicted of criminal deception, forgery, fraud, gross negligence, theft, violence meaning both verbal & physical abuse or any other offence involving dishonesty in the course of his/her professional activities.

4) Good practice: each member must maintain the highest standards of behaviour and work.

5) Moral right: each member should recognise the moral rights accorded to the artistic work, documentation and other written work i.e. no work may be changed, except by the artist/author or with his/her consent, to alter the effect of the work or the reputation of the author.


Mission Statement of the Dry Stone Wall Association of Ireland:

The association’s aims are to: 

  • Promote an awareness of dry stone construction in Ireland

  • To enhance knowledge in a wider audience of the key place that these dry stone structures have in our heritage

  • To run a series of lectures and workshops throughout the year

  • To form a community of people interested in the construction and conservation of dry stone structures.

  • To provide a place where ideas and problems may be shared

  • Be inclusive of all people interested in dry stone buildings

  • To encourage and assist in the conservation and resurgence of the craft


Data Protection:

Our Privacy promise is to keep your data safe and private, not to share your data with any third parties. 


What information do we hold?


As a member of DSWAI we currently hold your data that consists of your name, date of birth, address (private, professional or both, depending on what you have given us), phone number (in some cases) and an e-mail address.

As a mailing list subscriber we hold your email address in order to send you bulletins and newsletters

We hold a record of DSWAI (or DSWAI supported) events you have attended. The information is held often for insurance reasons and to apply discounts or membership renewals you may be entitled to. It is kept in a secure file and managed by DSWAI administrators and the Secretary and is accessible by DSWAI Board members (where appropriate).

What do we do with your details?


We use your information in a number of ways:

1)    for distributing emails to the membership containing information on DSWAI events and other events that may be of interest to our members as well as discounts available to you from third parties as part of your membership.

2)    distributing membership and mailing lists with bulletins and newsletter we feel may be of interest to you

3)    a record of those who have attended, or been associated with our events
over the years.

In no circumstance will we either add extra information to your file or share your details with any organisation or private individual without first seeking your permission and any discounts available to you as a DSWAI member are only applied through a discount code issued to DSWAI from third parties and passed on to members. We do not share your details with these third parties.

How long will your Personal Data be stored for?

Your Personal Data will be held for the duration of your Membership and it will be deleted by us in the event that you resign your Membership. In cases where membership lapse or goes unpaid, we may retain your personal data for up to 12 months after your membership ceases to allow you time to renew your membership and reactivate your online account without having to create a new one.


Do you have the right to withdraw your consent?


You have the right to see a copy of your data and rectify any omissions and errors.

You have the right to ask us to delete your data or unsubscribe at any time to our e-mails and to newsletters or bulletins.

Please contact us by email  to let us know if you do not wish
to be listed on our mailing list or to receive email bulletins or the newsletter.


Thank you for your continued support.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our events during the year.

Email  :


Tel: +353 (0) 876076762

Become a member

©  The Dry Stone Wall Association of Ireland 2021.

Registered Charity No: 20206056 

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